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Le programme Femmes entrepreneures et dirigeantes

Inspirant – Stimulant – Innovant


Ce séminaire est offert en anglais. L'enseignement en français est toutefois disponible dans le cadre d’une formation sur mesure.


Le Programme des femmes entrepreneures et dirigeantes offre une expérience immersive de leadership aux femmes professionnelles chevronnées du monde entier. Accueilli sur le campus emblématique de McGill à Montréal, ce programme de cinq jours permet d'affiner les compétences en matière de leadership et d'entrepreneuriat par le biais d'un apprentissage par l'action, d'une expertise, d'événements culturels et d'un développement personnel.

Le résultat est le changement: comment les gens naviguent dans les tendances émergentes, résolvent les problèmes, dirigent les autres et travaillent ensemble pour aider leurs organisations à créer de la valeur et à se développer. Ce programme pour les femmes leaders permet aux diplômées de repartir avec les moyens d'atteindre leurs objectifs professionnels dans n'importe quel secteur ou fonction, tout en accédant à un réseau durable de femmes qui continuent d'innover et d'inspirer.

Ce programme résidentiel s'adresse aux professionnelles chevronnées de divers secteurs et de différentes régions. Il est également adapté aux femmes leaders à fort potentiel ayant au moins dix ans d'expérience professionnelle et constitue une excellente opportunité de développement en leadership pour femmes entrepreneures.

Le coût comprend les droits de scolarité du programme, tout le matériel pédagogique, l’hébergement (cinq nuits) ainsi que les déjeuners, les dîners et les rafraîchissements quotidiens. Plusieurs événements sont prévus en soirée, veuillez consulter le programme détaillé pour plus d’informations. Pour réussir le cours et recevoir votre certificat d'achèvement, vous devrez assister à toutes les sessions et effectuer le travail préparatoire pour chaque session.

Principaux Concepts

  • Un état d'esprit tourné vers l'avenir
  • Esprit d'entreprise dans un monde d'avancées technologiques et de processus agiles
  • Les piliers de la gouvernance d'entreprise
  • Relations avec la communauté et les investisseurs
  • Conseils pour rejoindre ou prospérer en tant que membre d'un conseil d'administration
  • Planifier le succès de demain
  • Mettre en œuvre des stratégies de croissance
  • Gestion ascendante, descendante et transversale dans l'entreprise
  • Influencer les générations
  • Techniques pratiques pour obtenir l'adhésion
  • Innovation en matière de produits et de processus
  • Pratiques de création de valeur
  • Considérer différentes perspectives pour éclairer la prise de décision
  • Sécurité psychologique sur le lieu de travail
  • Construire sa marque personnelle
  • Stratégies de gestion des conflits
  • Réclamer votre place à la table
  • Gestion de crise
  • Résilience dans des situations complexes

Course Leaders

Marie Josée Lamothe

Marie-Josée Lamothe

Academic Director


Marie-Josée Lamothe

Ms. Lamothe has over 25 years of experience in the competitive digital and consumer products world (Google, L’Oréal, Procter&Gamble, Clairol). She is best noted for her expertise in Global Product Management and Omni-Channel Branding. Ms. Lamothe is a Professor of Practice at McGill University (Desautels Business Faculty) and is the President of Tandem International, an advisory firm specialized in omnichannel retailing and branding. Ms Lamothe has been awarded the Desautels Achievement award by McGill University, which recognizes individuals who serve as role models for students in their education, career, and philanthropic contributions. She was recognized among Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women in the Financial Post and Canada’s Marketers of the Year by Strategy magazine. Forbes Magazine and Social Media Magazine (US) recognized her among Top Marketing Minds to Follow on social media in North America and Canadian Business magazine nominated her among Canada’s 40 Global Leaders.

Julie Le Cardinal

Julie Le Cardinal


Julie Le Cardinal

Julie Le Cardinal is a researcher and an associate professor in the Industrial Engineering Laboratory at the Ecole Centrale Paris, France. Her research focuses on the discovery of new design and management methodologies in an industrial context. Julie’s expertise is in team diversity and project management. She coaches project managers in companies concerning the management of their project and the choice of decision-makers in teams. After earning her degree in Mechanical Engineering (UTC, France), she completed a Masters degree in Industrial Engineering Systems at ECP, followed by a PhD Thesis delivering a study of Dysfunctions within the Decision-Making Process.


Nogol Madani

Nogol Madani


Nogol Madani

Nogol Madani is a faculty member of the McGill Executive Institute and an expert on psychological safety and experiential learning. She is committed to culture change in order to help organizations increase team inclusion, engagement and performance.

As founder of Glee Factor, she works with leaders and teams to work better together and past clients have SAP, Google and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. She also serves on the board of directors at the charitable organization YES Employment+Entrepreneurs which supports entrepreneurs, job seekers and artists striving for success in Québéc. She holds a Master of Engineering from McGill University.

Melissa Sonberg

Melissa Sonberg


Melissa Sonberg

Melissa Sonberg has enjoyed over three decades of international leadership success across a broad range of corporate, not-for-profit and academic environments. A seasoned C-suite executive, passionate about transformation and change management, Melissa’s focus is now on creating positive, and profitable, impact through Board appointments and select business advisory engagements, while engaging directly in the education of our next generation of leaders as Faculty Lecturer in the Organizational Behaviour Area./p>


Dawn Sutherland

Dawn Sutherland


Dawn Sutherland

Dawn Sutherland is a faculty member of the McGill Executive Institute and focuses on helping organizations and teams be more effective and more strategic. She specializes in strategic planning processes, problem solving, relationship building approaches, and creative brainstorming. She has more than 25 years of experience in senior management and executive roles at several multi-national companies in strategic planning, marketing, product/brand management, communications and advertising. Dawn is currently writing a business book which combines best practices in strategy models and team-based problem-solving.

She holds an MBA from McGill University, as well as a Bachelor of Journalism from Carleton University.

Benjamin Beauregard

Benjamin Beauregard


Benjamin Beauregard

Benjamin Beauregard is a faculty member of the McGill Executive Institute and a specialist in helping business leaders become more efficient and effective through nimble productivity, communication, and marketing strategies. Benjamin draws from hands-on corporate experience working in Canada, the United States, and France. As an entrepreneur, he has managed multiple international, multi-million-dollar strategic projects and was formerly a Director at Bell Canada. As a solution consultant, Benjamin has helped hundreds of business executives reach and surpass their business objectives. Benjamin holds a marketing degree from McGill University’s Faculty of Management and is a lifelong student of cognitive psychology and a passionate speaker.






This residential program is for seasoned women professionals from various industries and locations. It is equally applicable for high-potential women leaders with at least ten years of professional experience. The McGill Executive Institute seeks to build strong positive-learning environments within which participants can flourish. Eligibility for acceptance into the program requires the following qualifications:

  1. Participants have upper- to senior-level management responsibilities;
  2. Show high interest in engaging positively with peers in a unique executive learning environment.

Candidates are encouraged to register online and supply a current resume that shows both your academic and professional experience via email to: